September, Mwezi wa Tisa
Im letzten Monatsbericht (siehe: August, Mwezi wa Nane) wurde unser Department „Home Based Care (HBC)“ näher beleuchtet. Hierbei werden Kinder, Schülerinnen und Schüler vom AOHM innerhalb ihrer Familien unterstützt. Heute möchten wir die Stimme einer Schülerin zu Wort kommen lassen, die im Rahmen dieses Programmes gefördert wird.
Sophia ist Vollwaise und lebt bei ihrer Großmutter. Dieser Umstand führte dazu, dass sie ohne Hilfe von außen ihren Bildungsweg nicht hätte fortsetzten können, da die Familie nicht über die nötigen Mittel verfügt, um für die Schulgebühren und die Schulmaterialen aufzukommen.
How my live changed during support…
„Because I know that I can do it, I have to do it and I will make it“
My name is Sophia* and I am 16 years old. I have been supported by the HBC programme for two years now. HBC is short for: "Home Based Care". This means that I live at home but receive support from the Amani Orphans Home Mbigili. Other children and young people live at AOHM and are cared for there, but the support in terms of school is more or less the same.
In 2018, I heard about the AOHM for the first time. I wrote a letter explaining that my current situation is difficult and my family cannot provide the necessary resources to support me. Without outside help, I would have no way to continue my education. So I asked for help to continue going to school there at Amani. A few days later I received a reply telling me that I had been accepted into the HBC programme. I was very happy about the acceptance!
At that time, I had already started my Secondary School and was very happy that I was allowed to stay at my school and complete my Form IV.
Not only that I could continue to stay at my school through the HBC programme. The admission brought many changes that I would not have expected before. As I no longer had to worry about school fees, the cost of books and school uniforms, I was able to concentrate fully on my lessons. This made me being able to follow the lessons much better. And when I received the results of the final exam at the end of last year (2020), I was overwhelmed! I passed with Division I, the best grade. Out of a total of 185 students in my year, I was top of the class!
Now I would like to continue with my A-level studies.
This was definitely only possible because of the great help I received from HBC. Not only the school fees and materials, but also the support from the social worker Lilian helped me a lot. Without Amani and without HBC, my life would have been much more difficult and graduating would hardly have been possible.
I have just finished form 4 Secondary School, but I already know exactly what I want to be later in my life. My dream is to become an eye doctor one day. And I will always do my best to achieve this goal. Because I know that I can do it, I have to do it and I will make it if I just keep getting the support which I need.
I will continue to work hard for my dream so that one day it will come true. Because of their help, that dream is about to become reality!
Sophia ist ein großartiges Beispiel dafür, welches Potenzial in vielen Kindern und Jugendlichen schlummert! Leider ist es bittere Realität, dass viele Schüler*innen in Tansania dieses Potenzial nicht voll ausschöpfen können, da das größtenteils privatisierte Bildungssystem in Tansania viele Familien vor unüberbrückbare finanzielle Hürden stellt und der Zugang zur höheren Bildung vielen Schüler*innen dadurch verschlossen bleibt.
Mit Hilfe Ihrer Unterstützung sind wir allerdings in der Lage, genau diesen Schülerinnen und Schülern die Möglichkeit zu bieten, sich im Rahmen ihrer Möglichkeiten voll zu entfalten.
Deshalb danken wir Ihnen im Namen aller Kinder, Jugendlichen und Mitarbeiter*innen des AOHM für Ihr Engagement!
*der Name wurde geändert