Oktober, Mwezi wa Kumi 2020
Wir sind sehr froh darüber, dass wir schon so manchen jungen Erwachsenen in ein selbstbestimmtes Leben begleiten durften. Um so mehr freut es uns, dass jetzt diejenigen, die gestern noch unterstützt wurden, uns heute ihre Hilfe als Alumnis anbieten.
Unter den Ehemaligen (den Alumnis) entstand über die Zeit ein Netzwerk einer großen AOHM-Familie mit unterschiedlichen Ausbildungsberufen und Tätigkeiten. Dieses Netzwerk dient nicht nur der Unterstützung untereinander, sondern ebenfalls der Berufsberatung der nächsten Generation des Amani Orphans Home Mbigili.
So fanden im vergangenen Monat die 3. JOB INFORMATION DAYS statt. Sie werden von den Alumnis mitorganisiert und begleitet. Wie diese verlaufen sind, erfahren sie aus erster Hand von einem teilnehmenden Schüler:
One day before we departed to Kilombero, we met with the group AOHM alumni at Amani, they shared with us their good stories concerning their time at Amani Orphans Home Mbigili and how they managed to succeed academically to become who they are now. They told us that respect and good attitude is the foundation of their success but every one of us should focus on basic things and to narrow our choices so as to get enough time to concentrate on them. We discussed how to manage time at school, and how to concentrate in academics. The discussions was mainly about our future plans and correct decision making.
The second day was a learning tour to Mtera Sugar Factory. This was our first visit in the sugar company, we got to know how sugar is made from the sugar cane. The factory technician took us through all the processing phases until the packing and packaging place. When we arrived at Kilombero factory, we got some factory reception guideline from Safety officer.
We were informed about possible accidents in the factory building and the procedures to avoid them. The human resources manager informed us about several job opportunities available in the factory and the supporting departments. We got to know that, Kilombero sugar company employ a diverse professions I agriculture, machine operators, computer technicians, doctors, guards, masons, drivers, laboratory technicians, accountants, office secretaries, gardeners and even sports officers.
Before the tour inside the factory started we were informed to wear the reflective clothes whereby they can help one to see each other inside the factory when the light is off, the protective shoes and trousers. Also they told us not to be intolerance if any accident happens inside the factory, for example minor cut from metal should reported for treatment but also we were not allowed to do anything without the permission from the experts. Those were the rules we got from the instructor before entering the factory.
Inside the factory, the instructor said that the industry get Sugar Cane through two ways. Mill Cane Plantation. (MCP) and Kilombero Growers. (KG). Meaning that MCP is the industry own raw materials (sugar cane) and KG get from the Kilombero Farmers and KG get money from the sugar cane depending on sweetness of the sugar solution. We got to know that sugar canes weight is measured to determine the amount of money the farmer receives. This work is done by the Crane operator.
The instructor took us through sugarcane preparations, the conveyor belts to the cutting machines, the filtering machine and juice boiling machine. This process 6 Mills which are connected together and directed by one person through a computer. The mill operator Robert Ndaimo informed us that he studied Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry after that he went to VETA to study Mechanical Engineering.
We learnt that, the Kilombero sugar factory produce its own electricity to feed the factory needs, offices and villages around. We saw about three steam turbines which were connected with three boilers. The factory uses the powder collected from the 6 mills after the juice from the sugarcane is filtered. Also at this stage they add ignition water for moisturizing the canes.
We visited the power control room, people working in this room have studied electricity in the colleges. Their main duty was to ensure constant flow of electricity in the factory. They use computer systems to monitor different components in the factory. And when they detect Danger they can switch off the factory informed the respective department to solve the situation. We learnt that every production process is scientifically coordinated by another. There is no working in isolation in the factory.
From this department we moved to clarification and Mud filtration. This place is where the juice is filtered to remove debris and other unwanted mixtures in order to get the sugar solutions. The filtered materials are used as fertilizer.The process involves 6 evaporators namelt 1-4A. The evaporator 4A and 4B are heated under the vacuum to avoid the Sucrose loss, meaning that high quantity low temperature, the juice mix ranges at 65% - 70% sometimes goes up to 72% depending on steam.
At this stage there are multiple effects. The Pan Flow, at this place there is single effect compared to the earlier stage. We get 8pans at Pan4 we divide them into Sugar A, 4B sugar B, 5C sugar C at the Pans they heat until turns to crystals. But sugar B and Sugar C goes back to the evaporator for further process and sugar A is now a useful product.After all those process the sugar is now ready for domestic use.
So this is how the Sugar is made, we further walked around and sees different process, example we saw on how the sugar is packed by the machines to the sacks with the aid of human.The last place we went was the Sugar Laboratory and this is the place is where by all the process must pass here in order to ensure safety of the products. The experts employed in this departments were those who studied Biology and Chemistry and have got Laboratory Technician Diploma.
That was all we get from Kilombero Sugar Production Industry, we have seen that there are a lot of works to do there. So in my opinion that, most of the workers, we asked them what the subjects you need to study are. Most of the subjects were science, therefore it gives me hope that, I have to work hard in my studies because there are a lot to do when you are educated. And I am so happy because the tour was much educative to me and all other form three students.
Gelungene Unternehmungen wie diese wecken nicht nur Motivation bei unseren Kindern, sondern dienen ebenfalls unseren Mitarbeiter*innen als Bestätigung und Antrieb.
Also lasst uns weiterhin gemeinsam für eine erfolgreiche Zukunft der Kinder arbeiten. Durch Ihren Beitrag, der unsere Unterstützung vor Ort erst möglich macht, sind die Kinder in der Lage, ihre Zukunft eigenständig zu gestalten.
Danke dafür, Asanteni!
Im Namen ALLER Kinder und MitarbeiterInnen
des Amani Orphans Home Mbigili
Kinderdorf Mbigili, Tansania e.V.
Darlehnskasse Münster
IBAN DE19 4006 0265 0045 5494 00
Volksbank an der Niers
IBAN: DE41 3206 1384 3330 3330 30